Our Classes
First Presbyterian Children's Center offers classes for children ages 2 through 5. All of our classes are play-based and provide teacher-planned activities centered around a weekly theme, utilizing Developmentally Appropriate Practice and the Missouri Early Learning Standards. Classes participate in weekly music and movement classes as well as monthly nature lessons through Nature on the Move. Because of our central location in downtown Kirkwood, our classes often enjoy walking field trips around the community. Our indoor and outdoor playgrounds offer opportunities for all classes to receive daily gross motor play time. PLEASE CALL FOR AVAILABILITY BEFORE REGISTERING

Enrichment Classes
Bonus Offerings

Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch is offered Monday through Thursday until 1:00pm.

Early Drop Off
Early Drop Off is an option for families who need more flexible drop off time in the mornings. Drop off is between 8:15-9:00.

Spanish with Ms. Vonna
Ms. Vonna offers Spanish instruction for children on Wednesday mornings at 8:25.